Kernel ice cream production method

Technological process: According to the ratio of choice of ingredients → sauce, milk into a paste of sugar, egg mix → boiled milk → three mixed → frozen. The main raw materials: fresh milk, butter, nut butter, white sugar, egg yolk, flavor and so on. Equipment appliances: pots, refrigerators, etc. Production method: Weigh 0.5 kg of fresh milk, 0.13 kg of butter, 0.75 kg of nut butter, 0.15 kg of white granulated sugar, 0.1 kg of egg yolk, and traces of edible flavor. A small amount of hot milk is added to the well-prepared nut butter to prepare a thin paste for use. Put the well-known white sugar into the egg yolk and mix well, then add the thin paste-like nut sauce milk, stir well; then slowly pour the boiled fresh milk into the sugar and egg yolk, add trace flavor, stir well, pour Into the container into the freezer, Serve.

Acid-Base Balance of Medicine

Acid-Base Balance,Calcium Gluconate Injection,Finished Pharmaceutical Product,Acid-Base Balance Agent